This fun toy is suitable for babies 9 months and older.
Manipulation Cube
Credit: Clément
This set is perfect to give to a baby 10 months and older.
Activity Soft toy - Lama Muchachos
Credit: Clément
Soft toys are a classic! They can be given as gifts from birth.
Activity Toy + Rattle - Cloud
Credit: Clément
This adorable set is a great gift for any baby.
Wiggle Wrap Sensory Toy, B. toys
Credit: Toys R Us
Did you know that the brand B. Toys is a Quebec brand? This cute toy will be perfect to wrap around the handle of the shell to entertain baby in the car.
Rainbow Sunshine Sensory Baby Book, B. toys
Credit: Toys R Us
Here is another sensory book to discover.
Baby blocks, One Two Squeeze, B. toys
Credit: Toys R Us
These blocks are perfect for chewing on. They are recommended for children 6 months and older.
Mizzie The Kangaroo
Credit: Mizzie The Kangaroo
This adorable toy will become your child's favorite. He can chew on it as much as he wants.