Don Lemon, one of CNN's biggest stars, had recently attracted attention because of sexist and very unflattering comments towards women...
CNN fires Don Lemon!
Credit: CaptureCNN
...including of his own colleagues, was finally fired by the network.
CNN fires Don Lemon!
Credit: InstagramDonLemon
The host himself made the announcement in a statement posted on Twitter.
CNN fires Don Lemon!
Credit: WennCover
"I was informed this morning by my agent that I have been fired by CNN," Lemon confirmed...
CNN fires Don Lemon!
Credit: InstagramDonLemon
...clearly not happy with the way the network broke the news to him.
CNN fires Don Lemon!
Credit: InstagramDonLemon
"I'm in shock," he added.
CNN fires Don Lemon!
Credit: Getty Images
"After 17 years at CNN, I would have thought that someone in management would have had the decency to tell me directly," said...
CNN fires Don Lemon!
Credit: InstagramDonLemon
...a visibly shaken and upset Don Lemon.
CNN fires Don Lemon!
Credit: CaptureCNN
Lemon did thank his former colleagues and all the people he has worked with since 2006.
CNN fires Don Lemon!
Credit: Getty Images
It's a bombshell of a decision from CNN's executives and one that will be talked about for a while.