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Gomez vs Bieber: The war continues on TikTok!
The wife of popular singer Justin Bieber, Hailey, continues to suffer the rage of a ton of Internet users trying to prove that she would actually be a mean girl!

Indeed, for some time, users of the application TikTok are bombarded with theories that would prove that Hailey Bieber is still jealous of Selena Gomez, formerly in a relationship with the Baby hitmaker.

The war that rages between the two clans does not date from yesterday. But, while we could have imagined that it would diminish over time, it appears that it is only growing! One of the culprits is TikTok, where Selena Gomez’s fans are particularly active these days.

A tiktoker even drawn a timeline to explain where all this drama starts, which still manages to captivate a part of the planet!


A timeline of Selena Gomez & Hailey Bieber TikTok drama #selenagomezandhaileybieber #selenagomezhaileybieber #selenagomezhailey #selenagomez #haileybieber #selenaandhaileydrama

♬ Calm Down – Rema & Selena Gomez

Selena’s fans immediately jumped on the opportunity and started to make video montages where they try to prove the worst nastiness and bad intentions towards Hailey Bieber.


Ответ пользователю @Girl from nowhere My Visa #haileybieber #justinbieber

♬ She Knows – J. Cole

The war also continues on the side of Instagram, where Gomez’s fans make their presence felt in the comments of Hailey.

For his part, Justin, still reportedly hasn’t commented on the situation but has however cancelled his tour dates, so we can imagine he’s fed up in general.

To be continued…

What do you think of the situation?

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