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It happened on a… August 11

Auteur: mgarcia
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It happened on a… August 11
Credit: Cover Images


President Vladimir Putin announces Russia has become the 1st country to grant regulatory approval to a Covid-19 vaccine, called “Sputnik V”, despite no scientific data being published or phase 3 trials having even begun.


Airbnb is founded by Brian Chesky, Joe Gebbia and Nathan Blecharczyk.


Al-Qaeda formed at a meeting between Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri and Dr Fadl in Peshawar, Pakistan.


“C’est Chic” 2nd studio album by Chic is released featuring single “Le Freak” (Billboard Album of the Year 1979).

Funeral of Pope Paul VI held in the Vatican.


Elvis Presley releases “Don’t Be Cruel”.


The first major league baseball game to be televised in color was broadcast. The Brooklyn Dodgers defeated the Boston Braves 8-1.


Alcatraz, in San Francisco Bay, received federal prisoners for the first time.


Babe Ruth becomes the first baseball player to hit 500 home runs in his career with a home run at League Park in Cleveland, Ohio.


A patent for the sprinkler head was given to Harry S. Parmelee.


Laurent Berman first licensed practicing notary in New France.

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