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Mitch McConnell: Trump is a “despicable human,” “narcissist” and “stupid”
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In his new biography, Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell expressed his true thoughts on Trump after the 2020 elections, including calling him “stupid and ill-tempered”.

The book, The Price of Power, will be published on October 29, a week before Election Day, and is written by Michael Tackett, a journalist and vice president in the Washington bureau of the Associated Press.

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The book chronicles nearly three decades of Mitch McConnell’s political life. But it’s the passages about his comments on Donald Trump that attract particular attention.

McConnell is quoted as saying that Trump is “incapable of determining where his own interests lie”.

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According to McConnell’s comments on Donald Trump’s defeat in 2020, for a “narcissist like him”, this defeat would have been “really hard to accept”. He also reportedly pointed out that there was a real difference between Trump’s behavior before and after the results that saw Joe Biden prevail:

“His behavior since the election has been even worse, by far, than it was before, because he has no filter now at all.”

Mitch McConnell’s frustrations with Trump reportedly began long before his attempts to steal the election. He reportedly called Trump a “despicable human” as Trump blocked aid for Americans to fight the coronavirus, despite bipartisan support. McConnell was furious to see him refuse this aid “desperately needed by the American people”.

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At 82, McConnell, who has experienced worrying health episodes in recent months, including suddenly remaining motionless and silent for several minutes at several press conferences, announced this year that he would step down from the Republican leadership after the elections, but would complete his term in the Senate in 2026.

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It’s worth remembering that despite his many negative comments about Donald Trump, McConnell still supported him in the current election, choosing to put the party ahead of the country.

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