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Moon hotels in Dubai?

Moon hotels in Dubai?
A team wants to build a series of large domed hotels, reminiscent of the moon, in Dubai,and these hotels would be called Moon World Resorts.

The “lunar” dome will be built with craters and a texture very close to that of the moon. The buildings in question will rise 224 meters and have a circumference of 2042 feet.

The co-founder of this project, Michael R. Henderson, said the moon is a “recognizable.”

“Seven and a half billion people know it, everyone loves it,” he told CNN Travel!

The project has been in the works for two decades now and this one will be a very luxurious destination, featuring restaurants, a spa, a touch reminiscent of the moon and spaceship-style interiors.

Basically, they want it to be a unique experience, as if guests were walking directly on the moon.

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