A terrifying message, to say the least, from the Pope a few weeks ahead of the United Nations Climate Change Conference 2023.
Laudate Deum
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Pope Francis had a lot to say about climate change in a document written by the pontiff himself...
Climate change
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...on the eve of next month's United Nations Climate Change Conference 2023 in Dubai.
Harsh words
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In his writings, the Pope has some very harsh words to say about the Western way of life, which he also accuses of being the reason why we are now very close to the breaking point, which he believes is imminent.
The breaking point
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"The world in which we live is collapsing and may be nearing the breaking point."
A message to the deniers
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The Pope also tells climate change deniers that the effects can no longer be denied.
Evident signs
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"Despite all attempts to deny, conceal, gloss over or relativize the issue, the signs of climate change are here and increasingly evident."
A cry for help
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The pontiff also describes recent natural disasters as a veritable cry for help from the planet.
Extreme weather phenomena
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"No one can ignore the fact that in recent years we have witnessed extreme weather phenomena, frequent periods of unusual heat, drought and other cries of protest on the part of the earth that are only a few palpable expressions of a silent disease that affects everyone."
When the Pope warns of the apocalypse
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"We may be approaching the breaking point," the Pope tragically reiterates. Not reassuring...