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Adele: Her Las Vegas trip sends her to therapy
Adele confided in her fans in the middle of one of her shows in Las Vegas, saying she needed to talk regularly to her therapist to help her cope with the pressure she puts on herself for her residency in the city of vice.

The superstar also revealed that she had started therapy in the midst of her difficult divorce.

Indeed, we can hear the singer, in a video posted on Twitter and reported by the New York Post, launch:

“I started therapy again, because I went a few years without […] and I needed to start over.”

“[…] There’s something about performing in front of the public that terrifies me and fills me with dread,” she later admits.

At the same time, she explains that she used her therapist up to five times a day (!) during her divorce in 2019.

Recall that Adele has just started again her three-month residency in Las Vegas, which she had abruptly interrupted last January, creating a huge wave of reactions.

No doubt the pressure is on for Adele right now.

Fortunately, she seems to be well surrounded to face this pressure.

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