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Amber Heard asks to have her conviction overturned
Amber Heard has just askeda Virginia judge tooverturn the verdict she lost in the defamation lawsuit brought by her ex-husband Johnny Depp.

Lawyers for the American actress filed a 43-page motion in which they claim that the judgment against their client was not supported by evidence in the high-profile trial that sent the crowds running.

They say Johnny Depp “proceeded solely on a theory of defamation by implication, abandoning any claim that Ms. Heard’s statements were actually false.”

Amber Heard‘s lawyersalso claim that juror number 15 on the panel may have even been illegally selected by giving the wrong birth date during jury selection – 1945 instead of the actual year of 1970.

“This discrepancy raises the question of whether Juror 15 was actually summoned for jury duty and properly screened by the court for jury service,” the attorneys’ motion states.

The legal team for the Aquaman star argued that Johnny Depp has failed to prove that his career and reputation were affected by the Washington Post op-ed that sparked the dispute between the two ex-lovers.

“Mr. Depp presented no evidence of any pecuniary harm suffered in the limited time period of December 18, 2018 through November 2, 2020 as a result of the article. There was no evidence of any projects or lost business opportunities as a result of the article,” the lawyers stress.

In early June, Amber Heard was found guilty of defaming Johnny Depp. According to her lawyer’s own opinion, the actress would not be able to pay her 10.4 million (US) award to her ex-husband. Several sources even claim that the star would be ruined.

Johnny Depp claims that the article of his ex-wife made him lose at least 22 million dollars.

The lawyers noted that Johnny Depp had not signed a contract for the sixth installment of Pirates of the Caribbeanalthough he claimed at trial that the Washington Post had cost him the role.

“Therefore, Mr. Depp has failed to meet the legal requirements of actual malice, and the verdict should be set aside,” the documents from Amber Heart’s lawyers state.

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