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Britney describes her intimate relationship with Colin Farrell as a “street fight”

Britney Spears gave explosive details of her brief relationship with actor Colin Farrell in 2003, describing it in her memoirs as a veritable “street fight”.

“[…] brawl is the only word for it,” explains the star about her tumultuous affair with the actor, when at the time she had only just split from Justin Timberlake a few months earlier.

The stars dated briefly in 2003, making a public appearance together on the red carpet of The Recruit, a film Farrell starred in.

“We were all over each other, grappling so passionately it was like we were in a street fight,” reads her memoir, A Women In Me, in which the star confides about the most intimate moments of her life… including the intense two weeks that lasted during this fiery affair, to say the least!

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Explaining the reasons behind her brief affair with the actor, Spears explains that Farrell was simply part of a series of long disappointments in her love life:

“For a brief moment in time, I did think there could be something there.”

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“The disappointments in my romantic life were just one part of how isolated I became,” she concludes of this rather spirited chapter in her life.

Britney Spears’ book, A Women In Me, is available now!

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