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Forced by a judge, Britney Spears’ father must testify
Jamie Spears seems to be backed into a corner.

Forced by a judge, Britney Spears’ father will have to testify in the singer’s legal guardianship case that seems to have no end in sight.

TMZ reports that Spears’ father will no longer be able to avoid the request and questions of his daughter’s lawyer, Mathew Rosengart, who wants to “grill” him in a deposition related to the star’s guardianship.

Mr. Rosengart wants to shed light on how the guardianship was operated, and on the details of what Britney Spears had to suffer since 2008, the year it all began.

The guardianship was finally lifted in 2021, after many articles, documentaries and a viral campaign, #FreeBritney, organized by loyal fans.

Jamie Spears has been avoiding by all means having to testify in this case ever since.

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