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It happened on a… August 14

Auteur: jdavis
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It happened on a… August 14
Credit: Cover Images


Italy’s Morandi Bridge collapses in Genoa, taking 30 vehicles with it and killing 43.


Jamaican sprint star Usain Bolt wins coveted 100m Olympic 100m gold medal in 9.81 at Rio de Janeiro Olympics – first man to win the event 3 times.


Montreal awarded National League baseball franchise; birth of the Expos.


CFL Winnipeg Blue Bombers defeat Edmonton Eskimos 29-21 in first Canadian Football League game.


Mackenzie King opens Quebec Conference attended by Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt; start to discussion and planning of the invasions of Italy and Europe.


VII Summer Olympic Games open in Antwerp, Belgium; first time Olympic Oath voiced, doves released to symbolise peace.


Bell Telephone Company installs first push-button pay phone in a Montreal drugstore; connections made only after 5¢ deposit; made by Northern Electric, today’s Nortel.


Gold was discovered in Canada’s Yukon Territory. Within the next year more than 30,000 people rushed to the area to look for gold.


Abraham Lincoln receives the first group of African Americans to confer with a US president.

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