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It happened on a… January 17

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It happened on a… January 17


Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny is arrested immediately on his return to Russia after recovering from nerve-agent poisoning.


LeBron James becomes youngest player in NBA history to record 20,000 career points (28 years, 17 days), passes Kobe Bryant.


More than 6,000 people were killed when an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.2 devastated the city of Kobe, Japan.


The White House announced the start of Operation Desert Storm. The operation was designed to drive Iraqi forces out of Kuwait.


Joseph P. Kennedy, patriarch of the Kennedy family, becomes the 44th United States Ambassador to the United Kingdom


Ferdinand Porsche (right) submitted a design for a people’s car, a “Volkswagen,” to the new German Reich government.


Popeye the Sailor Man, a cartoon character created by Elzie Segar, first appears in the Thimble Theatre comic strip.


First day of prohibition of alcohol comes into effect in the US as a result of the 18th Amendment to the Constitution.


The Professional Golfers Association (PGA) was formed in New York City.


Captain James Cook becomes 1st to cross Antarctic Circle

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