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It happened on a… March 14

Auteur: Bum Interactif
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It happened on a… March 14
Credit: Cover Images


NASA twin study finds that Scott Kelly is no longer identical to his twin brother after one year in space, 7% of his genes altered


Xi Jinping is named as the new President of the People’s Republic of China.


Linux kernel version 1.0.0 is released.


Quebec to make French the official language of the province.


A jury in Dallas finds Jack Ruby guilty of killing Lee Harvey Oswald, the assumed assassin of John F. Kennedy.


Red Wings Gordie Howe the second NHLer to score 500 goals, after Maurice Richard.


Henry Ford announced the new continuous motion method to assemble cars. The process decreased the time to make a car from 12½ hours to 93 minutes.


German Ferdinand von Zeppelin receives a US patent for a “Navigable Balloon”.

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