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It happened on a… September 25

Auteur: cbrown
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It happened on a… September 25
Credit: Ville de Montréal


Comedian Bill Cosby sentenced to 3-10 years in jail for 2004 sexual assault, first celebrity to be jailed in the #MeToo era.


World’s largest radio telescope at 500m wide in Guizhou Province, China begins operating.


Bono, David Evans, his brother Dik and Adam Clayton respond to an advertisement posted by fellow student Larry Mullen Jr. to form a rock band, which would eventually become U2.

Montreal Expos baseball team play their last game at Montreal’s Jarry Park; move into Olympic Stadium – the Big O.


Pink Floyd’s concept album “Wish You Were Here” reaches No. 1 in the US, goes on to sell 13 million copies.


Jean Drapeau founds his Montreal Civic Action Party/ le parti de l’Action Civique de Montréal.


Transatlantic telephone cable goes into operation from Newfoundland (Canada) to Oban (UK).


The first major league double header was played. It was between the Worcester and Providence teams.


Canada defeats US in first international cricket match.


The Pacific Ocean was discovered by Spanish explorer Vasco Nunez de Balboa.

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