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It happened on a… September 27

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It happened on a… September 27


Lorde releases her debut studio album “Pure Heroine”.


The Google internet search engine retrospectively claims this as its birthday.

Mark McGwire (St. Louis Cardinals) set a major league baseball record when he hit his 70th home run of the season.


Gilles Villeneuve signs a 2 year contract to drive Formula One with Ferrari.


NY Yankee Lou Gehrig hits 1st of his 493 HRs


Radio station CKAC starts broadcasting at Montreal.


Henry Ford’s first Ford Model T automobile leaves the Piquette Plant in Detroit, Michigan.


The physics journal Annalen der Physik publishes Albert Einstein’s paper “Does the Inertia of a Body Depend Upon Its Energy Content?”, introducing the equation E=mc².


Two men went over the 176-foot-high Niagara Falls in a barrel. Jeffrey Petkovich and Peter Debernardi were the first to ever survive the Horshoe Falls.

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