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Kevin Hart gives update about Will Smith (and manages to defend him)
Kevin Hart offers some insight and opinions on Will Smith.

It’s been a long time since the infamous Oscar scene involving an enraged Will Smith climbing on stage to punch host Chris Rock after he made a joke about Jada Pinkett.

However, the incident is still as serious, and the damage to Will Smith’s career still as present.

Will Smith can count on Kevin Hart, though, who is no stranger to controversy himself.

Hart is indeed giving an update about Smith and defending him in the process during an talk with Entertainment Tonight.

“Will is apologetic, you know, he’s in a better space, of course, than what he was after (the attack). People are human and as humans sometimes we make mistakes. So it’s not about talking about the past, it’s about acknowledging the present and doing your best to move forward. I can get only hope that the two of them find a way to find some solace in that and move past it. I still love him (Smith), I still love Chris,” Kevin Hart said in the interview.

A weak defense, let’s face it, for a gratuitous gesture that amounted to assault, and that points to an even deeper problem.

Kevin Hart is no stranger to the power of apologies after a blunder, he who has notably in recent years been caught in the act of adultery while his wife was pregnant, and who was himself removed from hosting the Oscars for homophobic tweets.

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