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Lady Gaga’s choreographer accused of bullying by five dancers

Richard “Ricky” Jackson has been accused by five former dancers in Lady Gaga ‘s troupe of bullying, the Daily Mail reported.

Gaga’s Chromatica tour, which has been postponed twice, began on July 17.

Montana Efaw, an employee who has worked for the singer since 2009, was the first to speak out and denounce the choreographer. Afterwards, other employees felt confident to do the same and tell their stories in turn, the Daily Mail reported.

Another former employee, Caroline Diamond, mentioned that Richard Jackson went to great lengths to embarrass her.

“He abused me, he embarrassed me and he made me feel bad at work just because he could,” she said in Instagram stories .

She continued: “Gaga was my dream (…) this man turns your dream into a nightmare.”

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