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Oprah, Harry, Meghan and Ellen forced to evacuate!
A powerful weather system is currently hitting California, creating flooding in the Montecito area and causing residents, including Oprah, Harry, Meghan and Ellen DeGeneres, to evacuate.

Authorities in Montecito County, California, where several celebrities live, have ordered residents to evacuate the area as extreme downpours are causing dangerous flash flooding.

Instagram users are actually criticizing Ellen DeGeneres for the unnecessary danger she’s taking for a simple video she posted of an out-of-control river near her home!

“What are you doing here? Are you a meteorologist? Get to higher ground!” one of her Instagram followers said to her, among other things.

In the video posted by the star, Ellen finds herself dangerously close to a flash flood as she explains that she doesn’t have to evacuate because her home is on higher ground and authorities have asked her to stay safe inside her property.

The star also says to take care of Mother Nature, as she gets out of control quickly…

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