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Prince Harry drinks tequila with Stephen Colbert!

Host Stephen Colbert gave Prince Harry a grand reception… and a shot of tequila for his appearance on The Late Show last Tuesday night.

Explaining to Harry the intense stress he’ll be under in the coming days following the release of his memoir, Spare, Colbert asked before the interview even began: Would you like a cocktail before we start?

The Late Show host then says he has one of Harry’s favorite drinks… tequila!

During the interview, Harry talks about how information about his book was leaked before the official release and explains that he is happy that people can finally understand the context of all the topics in the book heard so far, especially in the British media.

He explains that the context in which the book was written, intensely and over a period of two years, is important in understanding why he chose to speak publicly about his personal and family life.

He also says that writing the book allowed him to relive the good and bad times in his life… and that harsh memories that he had forgotten have resurfaced, including the bad treatment he received from the British press, going back to his teenage years!

You can see Harry’s interview here and the book Spare is now available in bookstores!

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