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Prince Harry gets another win against the press
Prince Harry has once again won his case in a libel case against the British press.

The Duke of Sussex had one this time against the daily newspaper The Daily Mail of London. The newspaper “tried to mislead the public” concluded the High Court of London and believes that we enter the field of “defamation”.

This story follows an article that falsely accused the prince of “lying”, “cynically” trying to manipulate opinion and “trying to keep secret” his appeal against the government to try to get police protection in the U.K.

In a written statement to the court in June, Prince Harry had said the case had caused him “deep hurt, embarrassment and continuing anguish.”

Prince Harry andMeghan Markle have a difficult relationship with the press in England. The latter constantly scrutinizes the couple’s actions even though they have lived in the United States since 2020.

In recent years, Harry and his wife have won a few legal victories against the press, which does not hesitate to publish invented stories to increase its income.

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