His daughter describes his experience as “the most unpleasant thing on earth”.
A strange story

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any stranger than the story of the dead teddy bear left in the middle of New York’s Central Park, an old story about Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has recently resurfaced.
Calling for a federal investigation

This time, it angered environmentalists, who are calling for a federal investigation into a bizarre incident in which RFK Jr. allegedly decapitated a whale with a chainsaw.
A fascination

A fascination with animal skulls is said to have prompted RFK Jr. to decapitate a whale that had recently washed ashore and attach its head to the roof of his car for the five-hour drive home.

This story resurfaced on an interview with RFK Jr.’s daughter, Katleen “Kick” Kennedy, published by Town & Country magazine in 2012…

…in which she recounts this strange story that occurred near one of their homes in Massachusetts.
"Whale juice"

According to Kick, who was six at the time, “whale juice” invaded the car during the 5-hour drive.
The most unpleasant

RFK Jr.’s children were reportedly forced to wear plastic bags over their faces to escape the biological matter and the smell he described as “the most unpleasant thing on earth”.
Possible violations

An investigation into possible violations by RFK Jr. of federal wildlife laws has been requested from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Endangered Species Act

According to conservationists, RFK Jr. may have violated the Marine Mammal Protection Act and the Endangered Species Act, which could jeopardize conservation efforts and scientific research.