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SB LVIII: An entertaining half-time with Usher, Alicia Keys and Ludacris!
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The Super Bowl is the ultimate sports event, but it’s also synonymous with the much-anticipated half-time show every year!

For this 58th edition, Usher was going to play that role, promising us some surprise guests… and he didn’t lie!

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The R&B artist kicked off his show to the rhythm of Caught Up and Situation, with his best dance moves, as only he knows how.

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We were delighted to see Alicia Keys at the heart of Allegiant Stadium, with her dazzling piano, alongside her friend and half-time headliner.

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Usher had not finished dazzling us… because in addition to offering us a half-strip-tease, he added two more strings to his bow…

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Ludacris and Lil Jon, with whom he performed the famous Yeah!

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A Super Bowl show that’s likely to provoke discussion, but which ultimately proved to be highly entertaining!

Did Usher and his guests deliver, in your opinion?

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