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Softball player goes the extra mile to score

Jada Walton, a women’s softball player, has become very popular on social media because of her creativity. Like a Connor McDavid, she foiled the opposing catcher in a very dynamic way!

This game took place in Texas, where the Carthage High School player was bold after a teammate’s hit. She started from the second cushion to try to reach home plate.

She tried the almost impossible, and it was thanks to her cunning that she was able to score a run. To foil the catcher, she pointed to the sky, and her opponent turned to look at what she was pointing at.

Have you ever seen such a strategy to outwit an opponent? Not a very mature strategy, but this one worked perfectly.

Note that such a scene cannot occur in the MLB because players who are headed to the plate are forced to follow the line of scrimmage, otherwise they are out.

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