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Tom Holland withdraws from social media
He wants to take care of his mental health.

Tom Holland has officially announced that he is taking a break from social media.

The star of Spider-Man who has 67.7 million followers on Instagram and 7.4 million on Twitter, has rarely used either platform lately.

In the nearly three-minute video, Holland seemed to have a hard time communicating his feelings on social media.

“Hi everyone. I’ve been trying to make this video for about an hour. And for someone who spent the last, I don’t know, 13, 14 years acting, I can’t say what I need to say without umm-ing and ah-ing every five minutes. So I’m going to try again,” he said in his video.

At the end of the video, Tom Holland paid tribute to the teen mental health charity Stem4 and the philanthropic organization Brothers Trust created by Holland’s parents.

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