In a shock interview with a journalist from The Sun and Daily Mail, Britney Spears’ ex Kevin Federline claimed that the singer was on methamphetamines, and that her serious addiction had led to a botched intervention by her family last February.

“It saddens our family that Daphne Barak and Erbil Gunasti decided to fabricate lies and publish the heartache our family has endured, as well as the trauma of our minor children in The Daily Mail and The Sun. We allowed Daphne and Bill into our home because we trusted them […],” Federline launches in a statement, reports TMZ, a response that raises many questions about the real story.
“The fact that people are claiming things that aren’t true is so sad… it may not even be them saying such things because it makes no sense to me that they would say that…”
…before deleteting it.