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Prince’s $156 million estate finally settled, six years after his death
The star had no will.

Six years after Prince died without a will, his $156 million estate has finally been settled, the Daily Mail reported.

The seven-time Grammy winner had eight siblings in total, but four of them have passed away – Lorna (2006), Duane (2011), Alfred (2019) and John (September 3).

Prince’s 62-year-old sister Tyka Nelson and 52-year-old half-brother Omarr Baker both sold their shares to independent music publisher Primary Wave, which received 50% of the estate.

His half-sister Sharon L. Nelson, 80, and half-sister Norrine Nelson, 75, along with their advisors L. Londell McMillan and Charles Spicer will share the remaining 50% of the estate.

Prince’s assets will be disbursed via “$6 million in cash and several times that amount in music rights and other intangible assets.”

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